Tuesday, 3 July 2018

African Art

an Art +.* 

Near the start of term 1 we had a must do task on our contracts to do African Art. 
we used different shapes, patterns and bright colours.     

Each of them have unique styles and patterns some patterns were made simple others had a lot of shapes with lots of bright unique colours. 


  1. I love the art!
    FF - Add more details
    FB - Love the details

  2. So cool I love it ;)

  3. Kia ora Emma,
    My name is Ella and I from Matawai school. Wow it looks like you have got some really good artists in your class. Here's a question, how long did it take you to make this work of art? Why did your class want to do African art, is there a reason for this? Did your class do any reasearch about this type of art, if so I would love to know.
    Til next time,


RWC Writing

Last week part of our contract was to write 3 paragraphs saying if we think mixed rugby teams should be mixed or not, here is my writing...