Wednesday, 13 November 2019

RWC Writing

Last week part of our contract was to write 3 paragraphs saying if we think mixed rugby teams should be mixed or not, here is my writing.
Should mixed rugby teams be allowed to play in the Rugby World Cup?
Many people prefer normal rugby over mixed because
of physical advantage that men have over women. 
which causes injuries to occur since men work differently
and have different structures and hormones than women. 

I find that putting women into competitive rugby can
increase them with huge injuries because of men being
more rough and competitive in games which causes injuries to occur.

I think that we should keep it normal because it has always been that way for many
years so to having  to change it.

Some people may think different but I truly think that mixed rugby teams should not be able
to play in the RWC.

Current Events Writing

A few weeks ago we had been doing research on current events that have been affecting our world and write in our own words, here is my writing.
Current Events     
(Amazon Rain forest Burns)

News reporters say the Amazon rainforest fire started from people trying to burn it down just to make more room for livestock and to build more homes because of the growth from the population of people.

The Amazon is a rainforest filled with many creatures and plants meaning because of this current event all those creatures are having to deal with deforestation caused by the fire that has been going on for 3 weeks.

This is not just a problem for the animals it's also a huge problem for us too, the Amazon is so important to us in so many ways especially when it produces 20 percent of our oxygen. 

Another name people call the Amazon is the lungs of the world, since there are so many trees to produce our oxygen so the amount of carbon dioxide they absorb and produce varies hugely year to year variations in the climate.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

My Holiday

One thing I thought was AWESOME in my holiday was that I got to spend a day in Whangarei with my niece Olivia, I found this awesome because I got to spend some time with my niece.

One thing I thought was RELAXING in my holiday was on
Wednesday I was at the RDA working bee right after we
finished mum, my friends and I went to the lake and went
swimming we then went back to our friends and had fish
and chips. 

One thing I found SCARY in my holiday was hearing about
a body being found in the river in town.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Aboriginal Dot Art

This week we had to create a piece of art called aboriginal dot art for our art and cultural festival using cotton buds, skewers and paint.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Hone Heke

A few weeks ago part of our contract we had to write a biography about our moari hero that we chose.   

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Digestive System Art Poster

A few weeks ago part of our contract we had to draw a detailed digestive system and put an explanation on the side.
Here is mine!

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The Digestive System

The Digestive System 

The digestive system is one of the most important
things in your body
they help
to obtain the energy we need to stay alive,
to get the raw materials required for
building all our tissues. 

When eating, the food in your mouth gets
chewed down and mixed
with your saliva. It then gets swallowed
past your Pharynx and down your
Esophagus tube where Peristalsis helps
it to move down to your stomach.
Over time the acid in your stomach
helps break down the food
and helps
kill the bacteria your stomach
mechanically digests your food into
a substance called Chyme. 
The food then goes down into the
small intestine which also includes
the Duodenum
the Jejunum and Ileum.
The liver then creates a
substance called Bile and the
Gallbladder then store some
of the Bile the pancreas produces
pancreatic juice called insulin to
neutralize the acid chyme.
Once the acid chyme goes
through the small intestine it then
moves to the
large intestine and the colon, inside there are
several sites absorbing the
water and
electrolytes in the
acid chyme and its Microbial Flora produce
B vitamins and vitamin K then
comes out as waste.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Word Art

In class part of our contract we had to create a word art related to Matariki and we had to add at least 20 words.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Anzac Art

                  Last week we had to draw a Anzac soldier and what they wore in in the war.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Curves Of Pursuit Art

               Last week from part of our maths contract we, had to make        curves of pursuit art. We had to measure and rule lines. 
                                       This is what I made.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

My Learning goals For Term 2

Last week we made new goals for term 2 but this time we made a literacy, maths, and Religious education goal instead of reading writing and maths. 

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

ANZAC Writing

                 Yesterday our class made a diamante poem about Anzac Day and the wars. We had to find words that would  that fit with the theme ANZAC and the wars, This is what I made.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Mahi Tahi Artwork

In school we have been doing Mahi Tahi.
Mahi Tahi is where Te Kahu, Kakapo and Tui class all work together on fun activities and include the four C’s which are Collaboration, Communication, critical thinking and creativity.

We have created an artwork inspired by Vincent van Gogh. This artwork is called "The Starry Night". Instead of using paint, we used strips of coloured paper to make a collage.


RWC Writing

Last week part of our contract was to write 3 paragraphs saying if we think mixed rugby teams should be mixed or not, here is my writing...